Whoops, a new Youtube-Channel about historical food just dropped!

Banner for the Youtube-Channel Theophanu's Cauldron about historical food
Whoops, a new Youtube-Channel about historical food just dropped!

Hello, my dear readers.
I’m just here to tell you some good news.
Banner for the Youtube-Channel Theophanu's Cauldron about historical food
When I thought about the restart of this page, in my head it was always intertwined with social media platforms – because that’s how most of you find to me here. I wanted to make small videos about my recipes or talk about related items on instagram and maybe on Tiktok. And I tried this in the last weeks and then I really struggled with it because of the time limitations of these platforms. Yeah, shorts are really fun, but sometimes just not enough to show all steps in a recipe or to tell you the necessary facts about a herb. So I thought a bit (read: a lot) about it and then… opened a Youtube-Channel. 😅

So, since last weekend you can also find me as Theophan’s Cauldron on Youtube.

Screenshot Youtube-Channel Theophanu's Cauldron about historical food

Have a look at it and please bear with me. (Yes, the sound and picture format aren’t great yet and I’m not a native speaker. I know. Still, it’s all exciting. Hope you like it!) The first recipe video is already online, yay!
And don’t forget: You can support me via Patreon.

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